Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It begins... (What? I'm going to Iraq??)

Well, here's the start of my blog about my mobilization back to active duty, and tour in Iraq. I just got "the" phone call last week, Sep 3rd, and still don't know much about what I'll be doing, and my head is swimming with all the different things I need to take care of before I go...
Here's a little of what I do know - I report for duty in Norfolk, VA on Nov 20th, head to Fort Jackson, SC for some training, then out to China Lake, CA mid-December. Beyond that I don't know my schedule yet.
The "Noble Eagle" billet that I'm going to fill is "TDM Watchfloor, Officer in Charge"... no, I really don't know what that means either! (I think TDM stands for Tactical Dissemination Module - do a search for that.)
Stay tuned, I'll post more info when I have it, and plan to document the entire experience here.
(I hope to have easy access to my email while gone,, and I plan to set up a Skype account.)


  1. OK Bultar, I'll follow your exploits...better you than me, right?

  2. Stay safe over there Bultar. Hopefully these endless wars well end soon and you'll be back home before you know it. Let Suzanne and I know when you're in San Diego. I would like to buy you a beer or two before you go!

  3. We need a San Diego send-off for you - any chance you'll make it out in December?

    I will follow your blog with interest. Nobody really knows what the hell you do, anyway. Maybe we'll learn something.

    Keep safe.

