Since I drove down here, I offered to take a few folks into town (Columbia) with me. I got a room at the Hilton and we went out for dinner nearby. It was nice to sleep in a nice comfy king size bed with real sheets and pillows! And the shower this morning was great too! Now starting tonight I'm in my little bunk bed rack that's barely as long as I am tall, and the showers are the pits. I guess this is all part of the process of getting us used to the 1-star accommodations in Iraq...
I'm in a barracks with 40 racks, and there are supposed to be 38 of us in here. There are 4 showers (things could get crazy in the mornings). There's a dining facility about 100 yards away, and it sounds like most of the time we'll get up, eat, and get on a bus to go over to Ft Jackson proper for training, then back here for dinner, and back to sleep. I here it's about a 30 min drive over to the other side.
Time to go over and see what dinner looks like here, then we have our "welcome aboard" at 7pm. Here are a few pics of what I've seen so far... Stay tuned!