Monday, September 28, 2009

Stick Me Baby One More Time...

I'm still here in Norfolk supporting a couple of C2F exercises (part of my normal work with the Reserves)... and have been trying to get ahead on some of the preparation for my mobilization.  So, I've been taking care of some of the medical requirements - and let me just say this, I'm not an IV drug user, no matter how many needle holes you see in my arms...  Yikes!  drawing blood (missing the vein), shots for small pox, anthrax, hepatitis, Flu shot, PPD, TB (or was that TD?), Typhoid, and who knows what else.  You can't get all those at once (I guess it's bad to shoot more than one live virus into your body at a time).  So, I'll be back for more next month!
Meanwhile, I'm still finding out more about what I'll be doing, my schedule, etc.  Stay tuned for more!

Friday, September 11, 2009

what are those 7 steps?

I don't remember if it's 5, or 7, steps... but I kinda feel like I'm in "acceptance" now - after the initial shock. (Not that the steps of coping with grief really apply here!) Anywho...

Whew! Lots of info rolling in now... and lots to think about, and do to get ready. So the billet I'm going to fill is the OIC of a small detachment in Baghdad, at Camp Victory. It is a "Tactical Dissemination Module" job. The short description of that is that it's a way for ground forces to communicate with aircraft, to pass along call for fires, targeting information, etc. (you can find some info through online searches). And there's lots of info online about Camp Victory too - I'll hold off on posting anything about that until I have some first-hand experience! The folks I'll be working with are already talking about a possible change in my reporting date, so we'll see when I actually have to go (it might be later).
Well, I'm in Norfolk now, working on some C2F exercises that I already had on my schedule, so will be busy with that for next 2-3 weeks, but I'll add to this when I can. But once I get going with the MOB, I'll try to post often!

(Oh yeah, for friends in San Diego - I think I should have time for a quick visit before I go, but it depends on how/if my schedule changes. As is, I should be able to get to SD around 18-20 Dec...)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It begins... (What? I'm going to Iraq??)

Well, here's the start of my blog about my mobilization back to active duty, and tour in Iraq. I just got "the" phone call last week, Sep 3rd, and still don't know much about what I'll be doing, and my head is swimming with all the different things I need to take care of before I go...
Here's a little of what I do know - I report for duty in Norfolk, VA on Nov 20th, head to Fort Jackson, SC for some training, then out to China Lake, CA mid-December. Beyond that I don't know my schedule yet.
The "Noble Eagle" billet that I'm going to fill is "TDM Watchfloor, Officer in Charge"... no, I really don't know what that means either! (I think TDM stands for Tactical Dissemination Module - do a search for that.)
Stay tuned, I'll post more info when I have it, and plan to document the entire experience here.
(I hope to have easy access to my email while gone,, and I plan to set up a Skype account.)